Empowering your college application journey.

We help students present themselves in the most compelling way in their college admissions journey, starting from skill development in middle school through application submission in 12th grade.


We know what it takes to get into a top college and successful applications begin before senior year. Students who aspire to the top colleges need to plan their application strategy, with their classes and extracurricular activities chosen carefully with their interests in mind, as early as middle school. We know that choosing a college consultant is an important decision. We offer guidance for middle and high school students. Contact us to learn more.

About Ivy Elite Prep

Why Choose Ivy Elite Prep?

Personalized Strategy:

We believe that every student is unique, with their own stories, achievements, and aspirations. Our consulting approach is deeply personalized, crafting strategies that highlight each student's strengths and potential.

Comprehensive Services:

From selecting the right extracurricular activities to choosing the right classes to mastering the college essay, our services cover every aspect of the admissions process. We offer detailed guidance on interview preparation, application review, and choosing the right college.

Ivy Elite Prep is more than a consulting service; it's a partnership towards achieving your dreams. With a proven track record and a deeply personal approach, we’re here to guide you through one of the most important journeys of your life. Whether you’re aiming for the Ivy League or other prestigious universities, with Ivy Elite Prep, you’re not just preparing for college admissions—you're setting the stage for a lifetime of success.


Beyond getting you accepted, our goal is to empower you with the skills, confidence, and mindset needed for success both in college and beyond. We focus on building leaders, thinkers, and innovators.

Our Services

  • Grades 6-8 Skill Development

    We provide detailed insights into skill development and what your child should be doing in these grades to better position them for success.

  • Grades 9-10 Mentorship

    Mentoring services and coaching for grades 9-10 to ensure that your child is developing the experiences needed to successfully position him or her for college applications.

  • Grade 11 College Preparation

    Personalized strategy development and guidance in preparation for college applications

  • Grade 12 Application Services

    Crafting a detailed admission strategy, we assist students in navigating the complex college application process.

Get in Touch

Let us guide you through your college application process. Reach out with any questions and discover how we help students succeed. Reach out to us to schedule a 30 minute consultation to discuss your student’s academic future.

During the consultation, we will discuss:

  • your student’s academic background, goals and interests

  • you will learn more about how we can help your student achieve their goals

  • a customized plan that best fits your student’s needs and aspirations.